Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Entry No.8 - Goodbye Blogger!

Hey everyone! It has been a seriously more than a year. 

I am (actually not) sad to say that I will no longer continue to write anything on this blog.

A lot of things happen in one year and it got me thinking that I need to start everything new, including my writing hobby and habit. 

Thanks for those who have visited and took their time to read or view my blog.



Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Entry No. 7 - What It's Like To Be A Third-Culture-Kid

(NOTEeverything I wrote down is based on my own experience and through reading some articles from different sources for further support.)

Third-Culture-Kid or TCK is an individual who has spent a significant part of their developmental years in a culture other than their parents' culture. "TCK builds relationship to all cultures, while not having full ownership in any. Although elements from each culture are assimilated into the TCK's life experience, the sense of belonging is in relationship to others of similar background." - David C. Pollock.
(Source: denizenmag)

For example, they are the kids of business-people, "army-brat", diplomats and missionaries.

In my case, I'm an embassy-kid. I spent my life moving with my parents to several different countries. Until today, I have moved and lived in 7 different countries. 

So let's go down to business, "What it is like to be a TCK" as told by Me.

1. Obviously, you get to see the world from young age.
Not only the countries where your parents is/are currently working, but also it's neighbor-countries that you visit for holidays or small-trips.

2. You learn different languages.  
You know songs in different languages, you know bedtime stories or fairy-tales in different languages and of course, you know how to swear in at least 5 different languages. (They are the words you always wanna learn first..)

3. You learn different cultures that opens your mind to different religious and political views.
Living in different countries teaches you not only their language, but also their lifestyle, religious and political views. You will notice that some (local) people will treat you differently from others and you know the reason behind it. You'll find it hard to put up with in the beginning but you'll get used to it in the end. However, trough this, you become more tolerant and you know how to interact with different kind of people.

4. You easily adapt to new surroundings.
As you constantly move from countries to countries, you are used to adapt yourself to new people and surroundings and you are not afraid of actually need to change every couple of time (well, at least I do). Because I always move every couple of years to a new country, I do feel that I need to move somewhere new when I feel like it, because I can't stay in one place for too long...I'll get bored easily.

5. You have to take one deep breath before explaining to people when they ask you why you move to the country you're currently in (cz it's going to be a loooooooong story).
The question that people always ask me that leads to these kind questions is "How come you speak so perfect American-English? Have you lived there before?" Then I'll answer with "No, I just went to several International Schools and moved a lot with my parents."
Well yes, people always notice my American-English accent and always ask if I have lived there before. From there, it'll always end up with me telling them that looong looooong story about me moving around the world and the reason behind it.

6. You will always be the new-kid at school.
The worst part is when you have to move in the middle of first term / second term (basically before the school year ends). You have to leave your school and move to a new school which probably has different curriculum and teaching-style. You also have to catch-up with your new classes/subjects.
Finding friends was a hard thing to do when you were younger, but as you grow older, finding friends at school wasn't a big problem for you anymore.

7. You'll either be loved or bullied for that.
I didn't always go to an International-School. My parents thought it was better for me to attend local school so I can learn the language easier and I can socialize with local (and non TCK) students. As an example, when I was in Norway, my parents sent me to a private Preschool. Everything was taught and done in English. As the result, I couldn't play with the kids in my neighborhood as they were all Norwegian. My parents felt sorry for me cz I had no friends and I always stayed at home and played with no one beside my barbie-dolls, teddy bears and Furby. So when it was time for me to go to Elementary-School, my parents put me to a local school, where I learnt Norwegian and made friends with the other kids. After a couple of months, I was already at my neighbor's house, playing, having tea-parties, watching movies and sleepovers.

However, things doesn't always go right. Being the new kid wasn't always easy. When I was somewhere in Europe (not gonna tell you where), I was bullied a couple of time for being the only Asian in the class. They bullied me, called me names, they smeared chocolate on my bed cover (it was during class field-trip) and said that I made a dump in bed (Yes, it was that bad!).

Back home in Indonesia, things was not easy as well. They called me a bit*h, they thought that I was conceited and super cocky, and someone even back-stabbed me because she taught I was trying to steal her popularity. (WTF, I know right?!).

8. You have friends from all over of the world.
However, when you know how to chose people to be your friend because they sincerely like you, love you and want to be your friends, you surely will find one..or two..or more than that. And you spend a lot of times online, talking to your friends, because you always have someone to talk to, and there's always someone who is up when it's currently 3 a.m. where you are.

9. You don't have that "ever-lasting-friendship" like in the movies.
Although I do have best-friends, I don't have one that I know since kindergarten that I grew up together with. Sometimes, I do dream of having those kind of friendship like in the movies, where you grow up together with and do a lot of weird and crazy things together and your parents know each other well. My childhood best-friend is now somewhere I don't know cz we lost contact when I had to move out of the country (I was 5 at that time).

10. You have to live with "Hellos and Goodbyes"
You are used to Hellos and Goodbyes. When you have to move somewhere new, you have to say goodbye to your friends and say hello to new people who became your friends whom one day you'll say goodbye to. It's always been like that and it'll never end...until you get a job and live by yourself.

11. You are somewhat different from your non-TCK friends.
The way you think is different from your non-TCK friends. You have other POV (point of view) and opinions towards things. Sometimes your friends won't get you and you have to fight for what you believe in by yourself.

12. You freaked-out when you meet other TCKs. 
You'll freaked out cz you know that you can be great both know how it feels to be a TCK and you'll probably have a similar stories that you can share with and you'll definitely understand each other well.

13. You've tried many tasty and exotic national cuisine...and you know it's recipe.
YAAASSS... You know delicious dishes and desserts and you know how to cook/bake you've been to your friends place and their mom will serve zillion tasty national menus. Vice-versa, when they come to your place, you will also introduce them with your national dishes, especially when your mom is a master at cooking (like my mom)!

14. You don't have a place that you can call "home"as you constantly move in and out !!
Boxes are your friends and you know how to put your entire house in a couple of boxes. However, the sad thing is you don't have a room that you can decorate with fancy and cool stuffs cz you'll leave again soon.

15. But you can say that you left a piece of your heart in each country that you lived in.
Although you don't have a place that you can call "home", you can say that you left a piece your heart in every place you lived...and you can always come back one day cz there are people you know who will always open their door for you. (Good thing is, you don't have to spend a lot of money for hotels when you're on vacation. Your parents will always have a friend who will let you stay over at their place.)

16. You get to attend cool-fancy social events. 
My parents always get invitations to fancy events, like for example diplomatic-receptions, events at the embassy (your embassy or other country's embassy) or even invitation to a dinner with famous people (artist, politicians, etc.). Sometimes, you can also get to attend cool events held by all embassies in the country you currently live in. I remember when I was in Korea, we had this "International Night" where every representative countries can perform any type of arts (dance, songs, music, etc.) and at the end, all children from all country sang "Heal the World" by Michael Jackson as a choir. In Czech Rep., I remember that every December, the embassies will collaborate together to open a Christmas-bazaar for public. These events will not only give you the opportunity to attend fancy events, but also helps you create a bond with more people.

17. Your closet is filled with formal and semi-formal outfits.
Since you get to attend fancy events, you always have to dress either formally or semi-formal. My closet is filled with formal and semi-formal outfits...and it becomes my daily outfit. A lot of my school-friends told me that I dress like I'm going to a prep-school cz I always wear either blouse and blazer, skirts or dresses. I never wear T-shirt and rarely wear jeans, but if I do, it's always dark-colored and I'll match it with blouse and blazer. (Blazer is my signature outfit.)

This is the most important part of being a TCK, REPRESENTING your country. Having the opportunity to learn new cultures is also an opportunity to expose your own culture...simply "give and take". I love to learn new languages and cultures, but I also can't forget about my own culture that I grew up with (even only a little bit). Having the opportunity moving in and out with my parents is an opportunity to tell the world how awesome my country is.

So yeah...that was 18 points of how it's like to be a TCK as told by me. Maybe not all points are the same with other TCKs, but this is how I see it.

Thanks for visiting my blog and spending your time reading this.



Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Entry No. 6 - Mid 20's; Degree-less, Job-less, Date-less.

Hi there readers, thanks for visiting my blog.

Here I am again, laying on my bed, on my pajamas, hugging my Teddy-Bear and writing a blog entry. It has been 5 months since I wrote my last entry. 

Right now, I'm in Singapore, back with my family.
Unfortunately I had to ex-matriculate myself from the University in Dresden, Germany, because I failed some exams. So I planned to move to Singapore and hopefully I can transfer my credits here or back home in Jakarta. Oh*t happens. 

(Source: Tumblr)

So yah... here I am, still waiting for acceptance letter from the Universities I applied for.

It has been a rough start of 2016. My academic life didn't go that well, but I'm not losing hope. I know that there must be a way..some way..a path that I can walk through that leads me to a place that's called the "Finish Line".

However, my parents (specially my mom) sometimes "complains" that I still don't have my degree and still job-less. Although they do support me and are always there trough thick and thin, my mom sometimes compare me with my other friends (who are as old as me) or cousins (younger than me) who already have a degree and a job...and even who are already married.
Sometimes my mom keeps saying that on my age, she already got married to my dad and one year later she already had me. I replied with that one sentence that nowadays kids always use to defend themselves in these kind of situations.. "oh please...that was years ago, we live in another era, things changed!!"

But my mom is actually right. At this age (I'm almost 24), people do already have their degree, job and even are already married. Most of my friends in Indonesia are already working and some of them are already married...and have kids...2 or even 3.

Then again, I don't live in Indonesia. I spent my life moving from countries to countries, I'm a TCK (Third-Culture-Kid) and I spent my half of my life living with western (european) - culture. In eastern/asian culture, let's say Indonesia, most people will go straight to college after high-school. I notice that in Europe, let's say Germany, people are likely to take a gap-year or do internship somewhere before they go to college. So in Indonesia, it seems like people (should) start going to college by the time they are 18 or 19 and graduate by the time they are 22 or 23, while in Germany, it doesn't matter when you want to go to college. When I started college in Germany, there are some classmates who are older than the rest of us and it's perfectly normal. My German friends told me that age doesn't matter. Yes for them, but No in Indonesia, because age does matter...especially when you are applying for jobs. So age does play a big role. In Germany, age doesn't play a big role in job applications, but they do play a big role in Indon

However, deep inside, I do compare myself to my friends in Indonesia. Most of them are already working, getting engaged and getting married...which makes me kinda I still don't have my sh*t together. 


I am Degree-less and still struggling to soon as possible

(Source: Tumblr)

(Source: reactiongifs)

I have no (and never had one) I haven't finished college yet and I'm already in my mid 20's

(Source: Tumblr)


I'm Date-less. NEVER dated anyone!!

I don't know why but I really never dated anyone. Nobody has ever asked me out or told me that they like me either...and every time I have a crush on someone, it'll never go'll end with me getting has always been like that...ALWAYS.

At this age of friends are posting pictures of them with their boyfriends or girlfriends and how happy they are and how they are planning their wedding and blah blah blah...

To be honest it gets on my nerves, because I feel JEALOUS. Yes...JEALOUS! How can people in their mid 20's already have a couple of dates, while I NEVER HAD A SINGLE ONE?! LIKE WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!!

(Source: Squarespace)

Seeing all my squad-friends are getting into a steady relationship one by one makes me even more desperate, cz I'm the one in the group who is still single and never ever dated anyone.

(Source: theodysseyonline)


To cheer myself up, I always tell myself that I don't need a boyfriend...yet. Cz I'm still young and I still want to have fun and focus on my studies and career.

(Source: Buzzfeed)

But at the end of the day... I am really desperate wanting a boyfriend.

(Source: popsugar)

like seriously...

but anyways..if it will never happen, there's always plan B...

(Source: squarespace) matter how "messed-up" my life is right now, I'm still thankful for what I have; my family, my friends and unlimited access to the internet.  I believe that one day I'll have it all figured out together...somehow.

(Source: popsugar)


Check out my newest Entry:

How it's like to be a TCK.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Entry No. 5 - OH GOD WHY?!

Hi readers,

if you follow this blog and (probably) have read a lot of entries I wrote, you might wonder why I deleted most of them. 

Yesterday, I re-read my entries from the very begining.

Since it's  almost the end of the year, I wanted to look back at those things I've been trough and all of the experiences I had.

So I started to read my entries one by one. 

Those first couple of entries was okay...well quite okay. It was mainly about my first days on preparatory-college.

Then I scrolled up and up and up and...

My stomach started to feel weird.... and I just realized that I didn't had my breakfast, so I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea and a slice of bread...and went back to my desk and my blog. (Hahaha haha hah ha h.. okay, that was not funny.)

I started reading again...

I couldn't stop reading and forgot how hugry I was that morning.

Reaching to the middle of my blog, I started to get suspicious and that weird feelings inside my stomach came again...(and it was not beacause of hunger).

I just noticed that my blog mainly contains about my LOVE LIFE and GUYS I HAD A CRUSH ON. I explicitly wrote everything...EVERYTHING!!! From A to Z. From the first time I met the guy until the day I said that I F*CKING hate him from breaking my heart...and it's all the same story with every guy. 

I cringed and couldn't finish my breakfast because I was very disgusted about my self and how STUPID I was for wasting my precious time writing those USELESS entries. 

and that is...ladies and I decided to DELETE all those entries that made me sound like an IDIOT! 

However, I doesn't mean that I will stop blogging. I will continue this blog...BUT with a better content. A USEFULL...INFORMATIVE...INSPIRING CONTENT. No more DRAMA and PERSONAL MATTER. PROMISE!!!

Therefore, I would like to introduce myself; since I never explicitly mention my real name and the owner of this blog.


My name is Elsha Riani and people call me "Sha". I was born in 1992, so that makes me 23 almost 24. I'm still a student. I study Intenational Business at University of Applied Sciences Dresden, Germany, majoring in Marketing and HRM (Human Resource Management).

I like to write, read, travel and obviously watch movies and listening to music. I sing and I play a little bit of piano and guitar. I love to cook and bake. Cooking or baking is a therapy.

I love to dance and swim. I like to play basketball during spring and summer, although I'm not good at it...I just have fun.

I'm an ENFP but I actually consider myself an Ambivert. I do like getting to know people and I enjoy social-events, but I also love being by myself and relax.  

I guess that's enough about me. It's 6 A.M. and I'm going to the library soon.

I hope you will continue reading my blog. See you on my next blog.


Monday, November 3, 2014

Entry No. 4 - Are You A Creative Person?

There's this article that I read on the internet (obviously) about things that creative people do and then I look at myself and ask, "Am I Creative?" .

You can read the article here ->  click me. They have the credit.

I am going to list it on this posting and examine if I do the same thing or not. There are 22 points, so let's say to be considered creative, I have to score at least 50% (11 points). Agree? we go!

1. Getting inspired at the least expected moments

I can say that I usually got inspired at the least expected writting this post (or most posts acutally). My inspirations don't come to me under the shower or when I..uhmm...go #2. They came to me when I am about to do my homeworks or assigments. Sometimes, they come when I am inside the train or when I'm hanging-out with my friends. They just come unexpectedly.


Oh yes. I day dream a lot...that's why sometimes I'm unfocus when I'm in class or having a conversation with someone. Boring classes are where I daydream the most. I dream about my future career, future husband and where will I possibly meet him. I dream about how my wedding will be and where will it be. I dream about having the career that I always wanted...Marketing Manager. I dream about which companies will I be working with. I dream about running my own company or marketing agency. I dream about having a happy family. I dream about buying my parents a huge house, hire housemaids/butler for them and give them car with a personal driver. I dream about supporting my brothers education...I want them to go to college abroad like me...and I want them to be successful. I dream about what if I can turn back the time.What will I change and what should I do better.

Oh I just love to daydream....running inside my imagination.

3. Get easily bored

To be honest, if I'm in a room with a monoton or monologue conversation, all I want to do is just to sleep or to daydream (there I go again). It happens to me during classes or a very boring conversations. I usually just draw something on my paper so it looks like I'm taking notes...or, it's a laptop class, I'll just browse on Tumblr or play brainteaser games.

4. Watching the world with the eyes of a child

Well, some friends told me that I sometimes behave like a child and that I'm innocent. I'm sometimes offended by their words, but hey, I'm sorry if my eyes sees what you can't see.

5. I failed, but I never give up...until I finally did it

If you remember my posting about failing my final exam during preparatory college, well... look where I am standing right now! I'm an International Business major student...and the only foreigner in my class. I made it to college.

If you remember all my love stories and all the guys I had a crush on and how they turn me down...I know that I failed...but that doesn't mean I will stop looking for that perfect someone. My standards are getting higher and when I look back, I can't do anything but smile...I learned a very great lesson.

6. They are told to get a real job

So far, no one have ever told me no comment.

7. They will follow their heart, even if often their minds think otherwise

I used to follow my feelings...but I began to be critical in every decision I am about to make.

(let's give this a 0,5 point)

8. I get lost in time

Yes.Whenever I'm writting, creating something or expressing my mind...I can forget about the time. Once I gazed the clock... I already spent more than hours doing that one thing.

9. They work when you sleep and sleep when you work


10. Where people see a difficulty, I see an opportunity

Unfortunatelly, I can't remember wheather I've experienced this before.

11. Falling in love with my pieces of work, than hating it the day after

Yes. It happened to me mostly during my art class, where we had to draw or build something. I'm always satisfied with my work, but when I wake up the next day, I will always find flaws on my artpiece.

12. Hate with what I just created, but love it afterwards

Nope.... I'll always find some flaws...always.

13. Humble and proud at the same time

I love to learn new things and I love to exchange ideas...but it makes me happy when they used my ideas and suggestions.

For example, 4 years ago, for my friends wedding, our group of friends wanted to perform a musical for a surprise show. The project leader asked me to be the choreographer and I gave him some ideas about changing the dance moves. He took it into a consideration and approved...the performance was a big success.

14. Always looking to a new way to express myself

Through songs and writting, I usually spill out everything what's inside my heart. Writting this blog is an example. I used to write a diary, but I got bored so I just write it online instead (anonymously of course!) so everyone can read it...and hoping, it can be published one day.



I always push everything aside and finish it the night before...or even worse, the early morning of due date.

16. Seeing the other side of the coin

I can say that I see things from both sides. I always try to be neutral and never bias.
My girl friends always told me every problems that they are fcing with their boyfriends. Although they knew that I don't have any experience about relationships, they keep asking my suggestions because I'm always thinking objectively.

17. I don't like boundaries

I hate rules...and I'm afraid to break it.

18. I don't like numbers

I HATE NUMBERS. I HATE MATH. It's the subject that I really hate. I always have problems with math and I'm a slow thinker when it comes to numbers and counting.

19. Great observer

Yes...I like to look at details. That's why I'll hate my artwork the day after, because that's the day I fully realize that there's or there ARE flaws...even a tiny one. Ugh..

20. Always make new experiences

Not always...just when I have time. (another 0,5 points ?)

21. Doing things all over again

If I made a mistake while writing, taking notes, drawing or singing....I'll always do it from the start...from the beginning, that way I will be satisfied.

22. I love

I love and I am happy. I love people. I love my life. I love animals. I love scents. I love I love I love.
I am loyal and I can only hate you when you betrayed me. But  don't worry, I will forgive you anyways and I'll still love you...less then animal, for example.

Okay. So counting the points:
I said yes to : 1 - 5; 8; 11; 13 - 19; 21 - 22
0,5 points to : 7 and 20

Final score: 17

It's more that a half, which means I belong to the creative people. Horaaaayy!!

What about you? Do you consider yoursef as a creative person? Give it a try!


Friday, September 21, 2012

Entry No.3 - Card Games

Hey there, how are you guys doing?! I'm struggling with my Preparatory College, but it's doing fine!

My posting today will be another illustration. Today, I'm going to illustrate a life survival tips with


I went to my friends house this evening. We practiced for our performance this Sunday. After practicing, our college friend came to do our homework together. While we were doing our homework, we chat a lil bit. I used to talk to him about my crushes and stuff. I was thinking that it might be good if I ask "boys" stuff and their POV. So I started this awesome conversation with "Why do good girls usually like bad boys?" He didn't think twice and answered my question right away. Then, he told me this: 

"What I see from you, you tend to be very open to people! You always talk about guys and your crushes to us as guys. That's nothing bad, but...let's say that we're playing cards. You don't know how to play the game and you don't know the rules. What you are doing to me now is that you are showing me your card. That's beneficial to me but that will make you a loser. You talk about your love problems, your weakness and your misery to us guys...that is the same thing as you show us your weakness. If you keep doing the same thing, guys will know your weakness and they wont take time to approach you. They know your weakness and that makes you lose their curiosity about you. What you should have done in this "card game" is that you keep your cards to your self, but ask how the rules are. No matter how hard the rules are, never show anyone your "card". Don't show your weakness, use something or someone else as a subject, while in reality, that subject is you. The point is, never show anyone your need and weakness." 

I am so thankful to my friend. It seems like he helped me to open my eyes to see the real world.

I hope you get what I'm posting today.

"Keep your card to yourself and play the game. Though you don't know how to play, ask the rules but never ever show them your card!" - A Dear Friend-

I thank God for using my friend to open my eyes. He used my friend to help me get through all of this roller-coster.

Good night, evening, afternoon, morning....wherever you are. 


Monday, September 10, 2012

Entry No. 2 - Domino Love?

"Unfortunately love is like dominoes. I fall for you, you fall for someone else." - Random quotes on Twitter.

This is a quote that I read on twitter today. Is love really like dominoes? At first thought, I was agreeing. Love is like dominoes. I fall for someone, he falls for someone else. Well yeah, it's based on my personal experience. But then I think about it again. I imagine a long row of dominoes.

If I fall for someone and this guy falls for someone else, she must fall for some other guy (logically, a domino falls when the one before him falls on it) who falls for someone else. This "someone else" unfortunately falls for another someone else who also falls for someone else that falls for someone else and blah blah blah...You get the point, right? And in the end, the last "domino" standing will fall for nobody except....ALONE.

And think again, how can the first domino fall if it's not from a pressure?! Where does this pressure come from?! What IS this "pressure"?! Or in case if we are not the first domino, it means that someone fell for us but we fall for someone else who falls for someone else etc. 

So isn't the "feeling" equal?! We fall for someone who falls for another person without realizing that someone had already fall on us before we fall into this person we fall for. Doesn't he/she feels the same?! Hurt?! Disappointed?! Can't you see that this "domino theory" is getting confusing??

Well, rather comparing love with dominoes, I prefer equating LOVE with JESUS. 
Jesus = Love. He loves His children with all of His heart, doesn't matter what. His LOVE is pure.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."  - 1 Corinthians 13 : 4 - 7

If you love someone, be like Jesus, love that person with all your heart. If you fall for a.k.a have a crush on someone, pray to God. Ask for His allowance. Ask for His "advice". Ask if the person you are having a crush on or falling for is the right person for you. I'm doing the same thing right now. Every night before I go to sleep, I always pray to God about Adrian. I told God how much I like Adrian and ask God if he is the one, I also asked God to help me control my feelings. I pray to God:

"God, you know that I have a crush on Adrian. You know that I like him without knowing the reason why. If he's the one for me, give me signs. If not, give me signs as well and help me to move on without feeling hurt."

Give everything in God's hands and trust Him, he'll give what's the BEST for you at the RIGHT MOMENT.
Keep praying, keep the faith.

Have a nice day/afternoon/evening/night.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Entry No.1 - "Love Pimple"?!

Have you ever got pimple?!! Well of course you do!!! (What kind of question is this?!!) Everyone "experienced" with pimple...but do you know the term "Love Pimple"?!

Somehow I just remembered that someone recently told me about "Love Pimple".
They said that it's a pimple that you get when you are in love or you are having a crush on someone. Weird, huh?!

But then I said "But I'm not having a crush on anyone right now..." they replied with "than it means that someone is having a crush on you!!" That's weirder, right?!

I'm the type of girl who never...well, rarely got pimple during her puberty (not being cocky, but it's the truth). So I get pimple rarely...but when I's always because of a reason and it's always the same reason. LOVE! I started to believe that there is such a thing as "Love Pimple".

I realize that I usually get pimples when I start to like's weird, I know! There's one time where I didn't have a crush on anyone, but i do get pimples (and it wasn't during my period). So maybe it was at the time where someone is having a crush on me (or it's just me....being to lazy to clean my face!).

And there's another theory about Love Pimple:
They say, when the "love-pimple" is on your T-Zone (your chin and nose line), it's a sign that your crush might like you back or there will be a good chance. But when the "love-pimple" is or are on your cheeks, than it's a sign that your crush doesn't like you back.

I tried to connect those statements:
1. If you have a crush on someone, you will get a love-pimple
2. If you don't have a crush on someone, than someone is having a crush on you
3. If the pimple(s) is/are on your T-Zone, than it's a good sign
4. If the pimple(s) is/are on your cheeks, than it's a bad sign

Okaaaayyy..... So, it "makes sense" when you get pimple when you start or already have a crush on someone, specially when you get them on your T-Zone, then you can be happy cz it's a sign that your crush likes you back. And when you get pimple(s) on your cheeks, then you can cry and eat a bucket of ice-cream cz you know that you have no chance with your crush.

BUT...what if you don't have a crush on anyone?!! If you get pimple(s) on your T-Zone, what kind of good-sign is that?! That your secret admirer will confess soon?! What if you get them on your cheeks? Does it mean that your secret admirer will never have the nerve to say that they like you?!
That's a heck of theory and doesn't make any sense. You can not relate pimple(s) with how people feels.

I stopped to believe in those Love Pimple theory, although I always get it! Every time I (start to) like someone or having a crush on someone, I always got pimple...and it's always in my forehead...but it was never a happy ending! Turns out my crushes ended up dating my friends or left without saying a word...or even found out that I had a crush on them and ended up not talking to me anymore.

There... I proved that the theory is NOT VALID!

I believe that pimple appears when we think to much or when we are under a lot of pressure/stress. They can also come before your period (cz I got them every time before my period).

I think people create those kind of theories just to make themselves happy or giving themselves hope for their love life. It's the same with the "white-spot on your nail" myth. People say that when you get them on your right hand, it's a sign that someone likes you, and if you get them on your left hand, it means that someone hates you.

In conclusion, Love-Pimple don't exists, it's just a myth and can not be proven.


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Mid 20's; Degree-less, Job-less, Date-less

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